| Return Policy![]() To qualify for the refund, product(s) must arrive at our warehouse within 60 days of the original shipment and must be unopened, unused, and undamaged. Please repack the products carefully for the return trip to avoid damage in transit. Products that have be opened, used, or damaged will not be accepted for return and will be not be returned to the customer. If you believe there will be a problem with the product reaching us within the 60 day period, be sure to contact our customer service department to make special arrangements. If you are planning on returning an order please contact us via email to CS @ ScrapbookGifts or via phone at 800-493-9356 to let us know to expect your return. We suggest that you track your shipment, if possible, to minimize the possibility of a lost return. We encourage our customers to inspect the contents of the package(s) as soon as the order is delivered to ensure that you have plenty of time to take advantage of our 60-day refund policy. Unfortunately, ScrapbookGifts cannot issue any type of refund after the 60-days has expired. Return Address: | |
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